Celeste, siempre Celeste.


Escribo para descargarme.
Escribo lo que llora mi fucking alma algunas veces en el mes.
"Escribo para no morir de tristeza en este país desdichado" como dijo Sábato.
Escribo para soltar penas.
Escribo para regalar alegrías.
Escribo para gritar lo que siento e intentar escuchar lo que calla mi mente.
Escribo para estar un poco más triste.
Escribo para ser felíz.
Pero más que nada, escribo por y para mí. Que me lean es un condimento, una ayuda. Aprecio su sazón permitiendoles que dejen sus quejas, halagos, comentarios, puteadas, sarcasmos o sobervias en la entrada que tengan ganas.

Todo sigue. Todo pasa y todo queda.

My gift is my song,
and this one's for you.
And you can tell everybody
that this is your song,
it maybe quite simple,
but now that it's done...
I hope you don't mind,
I hope you don't mind,
that I put down in words...
how wonderful life is now you're in the world!

Sat on the roof,
and I kicked off the moss,
well some of the verses well,
they got me quite cross,
but the sun's been kind
wile I wrote this song…
Is for people like you that,
keep it turned on.

So excuse me for forgetting,
but these things I do,
you see I've forgotten,
if they're green or they're blue.
Anyway the thing is what I really mean,
yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.

And you can tell everybody,
this is your song!
It maybe quite simple,
but now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind,
I hope you don't mind,that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world.

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Hecho el 26 de Febrero 2011.

SOLITARIO (esquizoide)NADA
EXCÉNTRICO (esquizotipico)MUCHO
TEATRAL (histrionico)MUCHO
TRAVIESO (anti-social)NADA
MANIATICO (obsesivo-compulsivo)MUCHO
SUMISO (dependiente)MUCHO
TÍMIDO (evitativo)MUCHO


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